Scully & Scully opened its doors in 1934, aspiring to provide the world's finest home furnishings and gifts in a gracious and beautiful atmosphere. Now celebrating our 75th year, we hope we are still setting the standard for upscale home decor.
They carry a wide variety of handcrafted English and American furniture in traditional woods such as mahogany and elm. Many pieces have fantastic inlays of yew and satinwood. Others are adorned with exotic veneers of burr elm and ebony, creating a distinct English look. They also offer an extensive selection of home accessories from around the world. These include china, crystal, sterling flatware, lamps, leather goods, picture frames, photograph albums, prints, paintings and collectibles such as Herend figurines and Austrian Bronzes. Many pieces, both furniture and accessories, are exclusive to Scully & Scully.
The Bridal Registry accommodates registries from throughout the United States, and includes any items that we carry or special-order in our store, the catalogue or our website. Every detail is expertly handled to afford maximum convenience to the bride and groom.
Scully & Scully's
504 Park Avenue (bet. 59-60th)
New York, NY 10022