I'm working on a proposal for a Colonial gala here In NYC.
Laura Viancour The Coordinator of Garden Programs for Colonial Williamsburg was so kind to help me with my research.
I would like to share her list of most popular flowers in the 1700's!
The finger vases were all the trend. You can buy them here at the gift shop on line.
Anemone, Crocus, Grape hyacinths, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Spring Star, Flower Squill, Star of Bethlehem, Tulips
American wisteria, Aster sp.,Balloon Flower,Bittersweet,Bleeding heart, Candytuft,Carolina jasmine, Carolina lupine, Chives,Chrysanthemum, Columbine,Coneflower sp.,Daylily,Feverfew,Forget-me-nots,Garden phlox,Garden,sage, German iris, Gold alyssum,Goldenrod,Joe-pye weed,Laender,Obedient plant, Oriental poppy,Peony, Periwinkle, Primrose,Rosemary,Siberian iris,Spiderwort ,Stkes aster, Summerphlox, Trumpet honeysuckle, Trumpet vine, Trtlehead Virginia bluebells, Yarrow
American beautyberry,Azaleas, Bayberry, berries Bottlebrush, buckeye Camellia,
Carolina sweetshrub, Catalpa, Crape, myrtle, Chaste tree, Dogwood flowers, Dogwood fruit,Eastern, red cedar, Firethorn berries, Flowering quince, Forsythia, Fruit trees ,Gold dust berries ,Golden rain, tree Holly berries, Indian currant, Lilac ,Magnolia sp.,Mock orange, Mountain laurel, Oak-leaf hydrangea, Pomegranate ,flowers ,Pomegranate, fruit Quince, Red buckeye, Redbud Rose flowers, Rose hips,Rose-of-Sharon ,Shadblow/,Service berry ,Snowball bush ,Tartarian ,honeysuckle, Witch hazel, Yucca
Flowers for a Colonial Wedding