1. Consign your wedding Gown to Wish Newport .Everything that can be sold should be sold. Your wedding was expensive so sell your things to a Consignment shop or even an auction site. Not only will you be making money, but helping out another bride who would not have the opportunity to wear a gown of your caliber!
2.Recycling a gown is great for green thinkers. If you’re into reducing waste recycling your wedding gown is a great way to go green. Your can also recycle other things from your wedding too. You might be surprised by what you find. By recycling you can turn that dress into a christening gown for a child, beautiful pillows for a friend, or anything else you can dream up.
3.Donate it! There are great organizations out there where you can donate your wedding gown. Goodwill will sell your gown to someone on a budget. Some organizations for Servicemen and women looking to get married before they’re deployed will take a generous gift like a gown. The last wish of a dying patient is sometimes to marry. What better way to have your gown re-worn then by someone in need?